
Norfolk Laneway

A pedestrian-focused laneway house in Kensington, Calgary


Location Kensington, Calgary

Status Unbuilt

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Engaging with the laneway as a new community space

Just behind Kensington’s iconic shopping street, the Norfolk Laneway House seeks to activate the laneway as a vibrant pedestrian thoroughfare. A large oculus window creates a distinct laneway-facing elevation, while an outdoor patio serves as a great spot to sip coffee while watching people walk and cycle by. The entry is situated at ground level and incorporates a bench, creating a community feel.

The design preserves a mature tree in the centre of the yard, which is framed by the laneway house, creating a naturally covered courtyard in the back yard. The tree also provides privacy between the laneway house and the primary dwelling, allowing the laneway house to act as a buffer between commercial and residential.
