
Vertical Regionalism: A Pilgrimage

Three mountain refuges in Jumbo Creek Valley, British Columbia


Location Jumbo Creek Valley, BC

Status Design concept

Valley model2.jpg
composite site map.png

An architecture of atmospheric perception

Within many mountain landscapes there exist unique regions as one moves upwards in elevation. Each of these regions have specific physical and atmospheric characteristics that define them, while the act of ascension results in a transformation of perception where the landscape gradually reveals itself in greater dimension.

Through the design of 3 mountain refuges, this project explores an architecture that responds to these varying conditions through the use of the materials of the site and by understanding its inherent sensual and experiential qualities.

bridge model from below.jpg

1. The Bridge

A covered bridge frames the river below as it changes throughout the seasons

bridge interior.JPG
Bridge plan+imagecollage.jpg
Bridge section.jpg
Hut 1_100 approach below.jpg

2. The Hut

A place of dwelling that responds to the changing vertical conditions of the forest

Hut 1_100 model4.jpg
Hut section.jpg
Hut 3plans.jpg
hut haptic.jpg

3. The Chamber

In the upper reaches on the mountain, a vertical and horizontal cut is made in the stone. The stone is shifted, creating a space of reprieve from the elements.

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stone saw model.jpg
Chamber plans.jpg